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Post Doctoral fellow
Dr. Neeraj Arora

[email protected]
Phone: +91-01642237143, +91-9244632426
Research Experience: Epidemiology of Gastrointestinal lymphomas and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in India.
Awards :
- Best Paper award for “Automated Malaria detection by Beckman coulter LH 755 using the VCS technology” presented at the annual conference of Indian Society of Hematology & Blood Transfusion, JIPMER, Pondicherry. (ISHTM 2008)
- Awarded National Scholarship for Academic excellence by Central board of secondary education (C.B.S.E) in 1993
- Benign fibrous histiocytoma of bone: A case report. Bhople KS, Kulkarni PV, Arora N, Satarkar R. Indian J. Pathol and Microbiol 2006; 49(4): 589-591
- T/NK-cell post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder of the urinary bladder: A case report. Arora N., Nair, S., Srivastava, A. J. Clin. Pathol. 2010; 0:jcp.2010.080333v1-jcp.2010.080333
- Immunohistochemistry of Non Hodgkin lymphomas: Arora N, Bugalia A, Nair S. Chapter 18 in ISHTM 2010 education book.
- Gastrointestinal lymphomas: Pattern of distribution and histological subtypes: 10 years experience in a tertiary centre in South India. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2011;54:712-9 Arora N, Manipadam MT, Pulimood A, Ramakrishna BS, Chacko A, Kurian SS, Nair S.
- Clinicopathological features of hepatosplenic T cell lymphoma: A single centre experience from India Nikhil Patkar, Sheila Nair, Ansu Abu Alex, Mayur Parihar, Marie Therese Manipadam, Neeraj Arora, Rayaz Ahmed, Aby Abraham, Biju George, Auro Viswabandya, Vivi Srivastava, Alok Srivastava, and Vikram Mathews
Dr. Sachin Jain
Email:[email protected]
Phone: +91 416 2283567
Dr. Dwaipayan Sen PhD

Post-doctoral fellow
Email:[email protected]
Research Interests: Intra-articular gene therapy, Bio-engineering of AAV vectors
PG Fellowship
Name – DR.Sampath Kumar.K.J
Emploiment No: 33214
Hospital Numar: 248613f
Phone: 919543517287
Email: [email protected]